Mixed martial arts caters to a range of fitness goals, interests, and aspirations. By combining various martial arts styles, we help students discover just how much their bodies and minds are capable of.


Our mixed martial arts classes are well-rounded and versatile, combining various striking, grappling, and self-defense techniques. Along with focusing on many of the traditional aspects of martial arts, we also integrate real-life scenarios, ensuring students can take their newfound discipline and skills into their daily lives.

Mixed martial arts offers an intense, full-body workout. It improves your strength, endurance, flexibility, agility, and overall fitness. It also challenges the mind. By learning to apply a variety of techniques and participating in safe and secure sparring sessions, students increase their mental toughness, critical thinking, and resilience – all of which can benefit them in other areas of their lives too.

At Premier Martial Arts, you will learn martial arts in a supportive and encouraging environment. You’ll attend classes with like-minded people, which fosters a sense of community and enhances motivation and accountability.

There are also opportunities for those seeking a competitive outlet. Professional competitions can help students stay on top of their goals, further master various martial arts styles, and push past their comfort zones.

Overall, martial arts is a rewarding journey, one that will leave you feeling physically and mentally stronger, more confident, and safer, no matter where life takes you.

Types of Martial Arts We Offer


With roots in Japan, Karate is a traditional martial arts style that teaches discipline, respect, and physical power. Karate incorporates offensive and defensive maneuvers, with a strong focus on control.

Our expert instructors guide students through the fundamentals of stances, blocks, strikes, and kicks, gradually building a solid foundation in Karate techniques. Karate also fosters respect, focus, and mental agility, skills that can benefit you in all areas of life, not just on the mat.

We are passionate about equipping students with skills and self-defense techniques that they can use in the real world. Premier Martial Arts is not just a place to learn karate, it's a community that joins together to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


Of all the types of martial arts, kickboxing is one of the most dynamic and exhilarating. By blending traditional karate with western boxing, these classes offer a full-body workout, while still instilling valuable self-defense techniques.

Our mixed martial artists will guide you through a series of punches, kicks, and knee strikes, help you gain superior positioning, and build your stamina, endurance, and physical fitness.

Because it emphasizes power and mental focus, kickboxing can also help relieve stress. You'll walk away from your class feeling stronger, empowered, and more clear-headed. Whether you're a beginner or want to further master key kickboxing techniques, we have a class for you.


A Korean martial art, Taekwondo is a dynamic and disciplined martial art that incorporates kicking techniques and weapons. This fighting style encompasses self-defense, fitness, and personal growth.

At Premier Martial Arts, you'll learn how to execute powerful and precise kicks, strikes, and blocks while also fostering a sense of balance, coordination, and control. Along with the physical fitness benefits, you'll also develop mental fortitude and self-discipline.

Taekwondo training is a collaborative effort, with students encouraging and motivating each other to reach new heights. If you want to boost your physical fitness, mental clarity, and defense skills, join one of our classes.


A Korean martial art, Taekwondo is a dynamic and disciplined martial art that incorporates kicking techniques and weapons. This fighting style encompasses self-defense, fitness, and personal growth.

At Premier Martial Arts, you'll learn how to execute powerful and precise kicks, strikes, and blocks while also fostering a sense of balance, coordination, and control. Along with the physical fitness benefits, you'll also develop mental fortitude and self-discipline.

Taekwondo training is a collaborative effort, with students encouraging and motivating each other to reach new heights. If you want to boost your physical fitness, mental clarity, and defense skills, join one of our classes.

Why Train in Different Types of Martial Arts?

Cross-training across various martial arts styles offers a range of benefits and contributes to a more well-rounded experience. Some of the reasons why we encourage mixed martial arts training include:

Versatility in Combat Situations

Hybrid martial arts emphasizes various techniques and strategies. By training in multiple disciplines, individuals can develop a broader skill set, making it possible to overcome opponents in various combat scenarios. This versatility not only makes you a combat sports expert, but it’s particularly valuable in real-world situations too.

Increased Physical Fitness

If you’re looking to improve your physical health and conditioning, a traditional Japanese martial art is the answer. Every type of martial art emphasizes different aspects of fitness. Cross-training allows you to develop a comprehensive fitness profile, incorporating the strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and agility associated with various disciplines.

Cultural Appreciation

Many types of Japanese martial arts have cultural and historical roots. Training in different fighting styles allows students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for various cultural aspects, traditions, and philosophies associated with each discipline.

Mental Stimulation

Learning and practicing different techniques and strategies can provide mental stimulation and prevent your training from becoming monotonous. Traditional martial arts challenge the mind in unique ways, encouraging continuous learning and mental engagement.

Adaptability and Problem-Solving Skills

Exposure to these popular styles cultivates adaptability and problem-solving skills. You’ll learn to analyze and respond to various techniques, styles, and situations, enhancing your ability to think critically and make effective decisions when you need to, regardless of the situation.

Personal Growth

Martial arts styles each carry a unique philosophy and approach to personal development. Cross-training can provide you with diverse perspectives on discipline, focus, and perseverance, contributing to your personal growth and confidence in everyday life.

Comprehensive Self-Defense Skills

Combining the strengths of different types of martial arts provides you with a more comprehensive set of self-defense skills. Whether it’s stand-up striking, ground fighting, or grappling techniques, you’ll be able to better navigate various self-defense scenarios more effectively.

Martial Arts Community

Training in multiple martial arts styles means you get to engage with likeminded individuals. By developing and growing as a group, your experience becomes more fun, enjoyable, and exciting.

Ultimately, the decision to learn different types of martial arts depends on your preferences, goals, and whether or not you would like a more well-rounded experience. Whether pursue a Japanese martial art for practical self-defense, physical fitness, or personal enrichment, cross-training offers a multifaceted and rewarding journey.

Kids Martial Arts
Enrolling your child in martial arts classes at Premier Martial Arts will have a profound and positive impact on their lives. Here’s how children can benefit from learning different martial arts styles.
Improved Fitness, Coordination & Focus

Kids’ martial arts classes are a fun and engaging way for your child to stay active. Our classes incorporate a variety of exercises and movements that enhance cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Martial arts also instill discipline and focus, essential skills that extend beyond the training mat. Children learn to follow instructions, respect their instructors and peers, and develop a concentrated mindset that positively impacts their academic and personal lives.

Character Development

Our kids’ martial arts classes place a strong emphasis on character development. Through martial arts philosophy and principles, children learn the values of honesty, integrity, perseverance, and indomitable spirit, shaping them into well-rounded individuals.

A martial artist also serves as a positive role model for children. They embody the values of discipline, respect, and perseverance, providing children with mentors who inspire and guide them on their martial arts journey.

Safety Awareness

Safety awareness is a fundamental aspect of our martial arts training. Children will learn to be more mindful of their surroundings, make responsible choices, and understand the importance of safety in various situations.

Martial arts will also equip them with the tools they need to deal with bullies. We encourage non-violent conflict resolution by teaching kids how to assert themselves with confidence.

Greater Confidence

As children progress in martial arts, they gain a sense of accomplishment and build self-confidence. Overcoming challenges, earning belt ranks, and mastering new techniques contribute to a positive self-image and a belief in their ability to tackle new tasks.

And because they will often need to work as a team, their confidence will grow even further through the encouragement of their peers and the support of their instructors.

Choosing Premier Martial Arts for kids’ martial arts classes ensures that your child not only receives physical training but also a well-rounded experience that positively impacts their character, confidence, and social skills.

Adult Martial Arts
Choosing to enroll in an adult martial arts class at Premier Martial Arts is an empowering decision. You’ll join a community of students that is passionate about different martial arts styles, defense techniques, fitness, and personal growth. Here’s why you should consider joining our classes:
Grow Your Fitness & Self-Defense Skills

Our adult martial arts classes provide a dynamic, full-body workout, enhancing your physical health, strength, flexibility, and overall fitness. Each of our martial arts classes is carefully crafted to cater to individual fitness levels, ensuring a challenging yet accessible experience.

Beyond the physical fitness and health benefits, our classes equip you with practical and effective self-defense skills. The techniques taught by your martial artist are rooted in real-world applications, empowering you to navigate and protect yourself in various situations.

Build Mental Resilience & Confidence

Training at Premier Martial Arts will help you cultivate mental resilience and boost your confidence. Our adult students learn to overcome challenges, stay focused under pressure, and develop a disciplined mindset that extends to other areas of their lives.

Engaging in martial arts styles also offers a healthy outlet for stress. The physical activity, combined with the mental focus required during training, allows adults to channel and release tension, promoting mental well-being.

Goal Setting & Achievement

Our adult martial arts classes encourage goal-setting and achievement. Whether it’s mastering a new technique, earning a higher belt rank, or achieving your fitness milestones, there’s a great sense of accomplishment gained through martial arts.

Choosing Premier Martial Arts for adult martial arts classes means embarking on a transformative journey that extends far beyond the physical. You’ll be investing in your well-being, and personal development, and joining a vibrant community where you can thrive, grow, and achieve your goals. Find an adult martial arts class near you.



Why Our Students Love Martial Arts

Take a look at how Premier Martial Arts programs have positively impacted our students and their families. We couldn’t have said it better!

Great dojo! The Sensi is very engaging, teaching students discipline and focus while encouraging them to be their best in a fun, safe, and enjoyable setting!
J Cam
PMA has been great for my kids’ confidence. They’ve made new friends and enjoy seeing Sensei each week in class. Training for a new belt every few weeks has kept them motivated!
Erika Drexler